
Cell phone jammer schematics plans - cell phone jammer Byron

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    • 2019-05-22
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    Full Band 850MHz UMTS Pico-Repeater Wireless Extender WiFi Router,Mobile Phone Signal Booster Cell phone jammer schematics plans - cell phone jammer Byron

    Full Band 850MHz UMTS Pico-Repeater Wireless Extender WiFi Router  Pico-Repeater TE830B   Brief Description: 850MHz Pico-Repeater is intended to strengthen the signal of 850mhz mobile phone in the buildings. Ideal for use in areas where the 850mhz signal is weak to cause Call dropout or Cant connection .The device improves the voice calls and data VOICE GPRS and EDGE (depends of the signal operator)   Features: *High system gains. *Full duplex and double-end design, external power supply, and convenient installation. *ALC technology with auto-steady function adopted. *Provide power indication and uplink and downlink indications. *With the amplified linear power, the intermodulation an spuriousness are suppressed effectively. *The reliability conforms to GB6993-86 standards. *The electromagnetic compatibility conforms to ETS300 609-4 standards.   Applicable place: It can be applied in Building rooms there have weak signal of mobile.   Specification: Frequency range: Uplink:824-849MHz; Downlink:869-894MHz; TE-830B Gain(dB): Uplink: Gp≥70 Downlink: Gp≥75; Output Power: ≥30dBm; Pass band ripple: ≤4dB; Guard band rejection:(BW-60dB)≤42MHz(BW-70dB)≤45MHz; I/O impedance: 50Ω/N Connector; I/O return loss: ≤-10dB; Noise figure: ≤-8dB; Intermodulation attenuation(Po=13dBm): ≤-40dBc; Transmission: ≤0.5μs; Ambient: -10℃~50℃; Power supply: AC110~220V±10%  45~55Hz; Size: 148mm×106mm×33mm; Weight:3.1kg; Reliability: To the GB6993-86 standard; Electromagnetic: To the ETS300 694-4 standard; Function: a) Power supply LED denote b) Export power LED denote Package contents: 1 pcs booster 1 set power supply 1pcs user manual 1 set installation screws  

    cell phone jammer schematics plans

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