
Cell phone jammer atfgesrgtrdf - cell phone jammer Sunny Isles Beach

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    Common Interference Signal Detector Malicious Movement And GPS Cell phone jammer atfgesrgtrdf - cell phone jammer Sunny Isles Beach

    GPS locator tracking signal  Detector Detecting For GPS Jamming Radio Wave Detector Plain type Jamming Signal Detector VS-066SP Disclosure malice communication interruption Thank you for purchasing the vodasafe Jamming Signal Detector. Please first read over this manual for proper use, save this manual and keep it handy. Description:  This device is plain type, made for direct use, no need of any adjustment or setting, just connect with car power and GPS tracker.  There are 2 types of SOS trigger method among different brands GPS Tracker, so there are also 2 kinds of wiring connection for selection. This device is available for both of above 2 trigger types GPS tracker.  Please note to use relay output of NO (Normal Open) to connect with the circuit of SOS button. For 2nd trigger type SOS button of GPS tracker, connect the relay output of NC (Normal Close) with the GPS power input wire (+) positive pole. 1.After the circuit verifies the jammer signal, the relay output will trigger to Emergency (SOS) button of GPS tracker to send out call help warning. 2.When security center receives the call help warning from the truck GPS tracking system which has installed with this device, the guard should dial back to confirm that the GPS tracking system is online. If the calling user is offline, its system might be blocked by signal jammer. If the calling user is still online, this phenomenon indicates that the trigger is just caused by too strong environment noise.  Please check the trigger type of your GPS tracker and pick up the right wire connection. Specifications: Size: L 9 x W 5 x T 1.7 cm Weight: about 60g Power: 12V ~ 24V DC Power consumption: 15mA standby Detecting Frequency: 50 MHz ~ 6.0 GHz  Alarm output:1.0A relay, with NO / NC output Warning: Use this device as an auxiliary, supplemental help or aid to prevent the risks caused by GPS signal jammer or GSM signal jammer, etc. This device does not take the place of all the supervisions. Performance of this Radio frequency (RF) product will be affected by the circumstance of use. The producer and marketing group accepts no liability for any loss or damage by malfunction or misuse.  

    cell phone jammer atfgesrgtrdf

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