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    3G WCDMA 2100MHz Signal Booster / Signal Repeater with Yagi Antenna(Magenta) 15w jammer - jammer prodaja

    About Signal BoosterCell phone becomes especially helpful when people get into critical situations. In case of emergency a timely call can save a life. Unfortunately, there are still some places where one can find themselves - out of coverage. Usually those places are either too far from the cell phone base station or located inside underground constructions, for example: parking lots, tunnels, big stores, office buildings, cars, boats, house in remote areas, etc. Here we will bring you a new kind of signal booster. Welcome to buy!Features1. High-gain linear power amplifier. 2. ALC and AGC function technology. 3. Ultra-low noise receive amplifier. 4. There is no interference to the base station, right after the opening of the original system and the base station without the need to adjust parameters. 5. Stable and reliable electromagnetic compatibility design. 6. The base station dose not cause an increase in background noise, but will not lead to a decline in the quality of the base station communications. 7. With full-duplex communication mode. 8. It explores an effective and reasonable method to dispel the heat.Installation Steps1. Use your mobile phone to test signal strength outside house or on roof, -70dBm is the basic requirement (full bar). 2. Install outdoor antenna in that location and keep adjusting, point it to signal tower station, try to get best signal. 3. Run outdoor coaxial cable into building in a convenient location to connect with signal repeater. 4. Mount your indoor antenna with signal repeater. 5. Power up signal repeater device to check the signal inside, moving outdoor antenna until you get satisfied signal.Notices1. Connect outdoor (BTS) port with outdoor antenna. Connect indoor ANT (MS) port with indoor antenna. Outdoor antenna is mounted at a higher position. Both antennas should be 10 meters far away at least from each other. 2. Indoor and outdoor antennas must be separated by wall. 3. If the signal is still weak after installation, please check whether or not the outdoor antenna is pointed to signal tower correctly or elsewhere with stronger signal and confirm that the signal strength achieved -70dBm. 4. If no signal for a long time after installation, please check the device power adapter whether or not connected perfectly and connectors connect well. 5. If strength is not steady, please check if outdoor and indoor antennas are too close. Please ensure outdoor antenna has distance of 10 meters at least, with a barrier and not in a same horizontal line. 6. Packed the outdoor connector by waterproof glue, otherwise wet condition will reduce the signal cover area. Specification: General Frequency Range                 WCDMA 2100MHz,                 Uplink 1920-1980MHz,                 Downlink 2110-2170MHz                 Gain                 Uplink 58-62dB,                 Downlink 58-62dB                 Output Power                 Uplink 18-22dBm,                 Downlink 18-22dBm                 Bandwidth                 60m                 Ripple in Band                 < 5dB                 Spurious Emission                 9KHz~1GHz (<-36dBm),                 1GHz~12.75GHz (<-30dBm)                 VSWR                 <3                 MTBF                 >50000h                 Power Supply                 AC: 100~240V, 50/ 60Hz; DC: 5V 2A         Power Consumption                 <5W                 Impedance                 50ohm                 RF Connector                 N-Female N                 Work Environment Installs Way                 Wall Installation                 Environment Conditions                 IP40                 Working Temperature                 -10C ~ 55C                 Working Humidity                 < 90%                 Dimensions & Weight Size                 125 x 110 x 20mm         Weight                 600g         Package Include Package Contents                 1 x11dB Outdoor Antenna                 1 x 3dB Indoor Antenna                 1 x 5m RG6-50 OHM Indoor Coaxial Cable                 1 x 10m RG6-50 OHM Outdoor Coaxial Cable                 1 x AC Power Supply                 1 x Manual                   Package Weight One Package Weight 3.39kgs / 7.47lb Qty per Carton 4 Carton Weight 7.40kgs / 16.31lb Carton Size 53cm * 42cm * 32cm / 20.87inch * 16.54inch * 12.6inch

    15w jammer

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